Because that first show was such a hit, TLC is bringing it back as a series beginning April 6th at 9 EST. EXTREME COUPONING glances into the lives of the savviest shoppers as they plan and plot their way to unbelievable savings (up to 99%), while maintaining a stockpile, or sometimes an entire stock room, full of items that will keep their families fed for years to come.
I shared my thoughts on when the show first aired, and as you could tell from my perspective it is not always a good thing to become an Extreme Couponer.
But with the right frame of mind and the proper motives you will be able to save thousands of dollars per year on your grocery budget with these simple steps.1. Change your financial perspective
2. Let go of being a brand loyal shopper
3. Start menu planning
4. Learn the coupon’s lingo
5. Map out a plan of action
6. Gather your coupons
7. Shop at as many stores as possible
8. Price matching, rain checks, and rebates oh my!
9. Learn how to shop for FREE at the drugstores.
10. Choose mark down meats and breads whenever possible.
11. Utilize stock up prices for staple items.
12. Don’t shop on empty.
13. Buy produce that is in season.
14. Keep a running list.
15. Allow for wiggle room!
Over the course of the next several weeks I will go into detail more on each of the fifteen steps above. Follow my lessons and you will be able to save thousands on your budget too!If you have any questions at any time please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below. Please keep in mind that you may not become an Extreme Couponer the way you see on the TLC show, but you will learn how to save lots of money that you’ll then be able to use on other areas of you life like paying down debt!
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