1. Be specific about the product you are emailing them about. Don’t just say I love Bar-S Products. Tell them, I love your Bar-S Beef Franks.
2. Provide details. What is that you love about the product? Is it the packaging? Is it the reasonable price? Is it a favorite of your child’s? The more information you can provide, the better chance for positive feedback.
3. If you are complaining, be sure to have your package handy. Sometimes, they will request the UPC so that they can look into products, in case it needs to be removed from shelves and/or to monitor other complaints to be sure others from the same production line aren’t affected.
4. Be Polite. You know that saying “You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar”? Well, that couldn’t be more true. Even if you disliked something, be considerate in how you worded it.
Not sure how to say what you need to? Well, here are a couple of examples you can use:
I had purchased some Kraft Sliced Cheese. When we opened it to feed our children – it smelled horrible and I had to throw it away. Here is the information I provided to Kraft:UPC and product information from the packaging (the website asked for this to be completed). And then my comments were:
I recently purchased a package of Kraft American Sliced Cheese. This is normally the ONLY cheese I purchase for our family because I really trust the Kraft name and know that what I am feeding my children is a product that I feel is good for them. That is why I was surprised when the last package we purchased was spoiled when we opened it. It smelled horrible and the taste was bad enough that my children actually refused to eat it. I know that this has to be an isolated incident as we have never had any problems with your company in the past. I felt the need to let you know, in case others were experiencing the same issues.
And what did I get in return? A coupon for a free package of cheese — up to a $7.99 value! So it really paid off!
Now – I have also written to praise companies and again, I am honest and polite. Here is a sample of what I sent to Breyer’s about their Yo Crunch Yogurt.I just had to take a moment to write you to let you know how much my children LOVE your product! In our house, yogurt is always called ICE CREAM. So, my children don’t even realize that they are eating something healthy when they ask me for “ice cream.” When I bring home your product, my 6 year old daughter’s face just lights up because she loves pouring the little candies into her “ice cream.” As a mom, it makes me feel good to know that my children are enjoying healthy snacks that they only know as something they love to eat.
And this one — sent me a coupon for a free package plus 3 coupons for $0.75/1. So that really saved us a lot of money!
We will list all of our daily contacts!!
- Kingsford Charcoal - free 16 lb bag coupon!
- Bar-S - Whoot!! received (8) $.25/1 coupons + (2) $5.00 Gift Certs to get free product!
- Spin n Span
- Welch’s - (3) $.50 /1 coupons
- Bumble Bee Tuna - (4) $.25/1 coupons
- Breyers Yo-Crunch - coupon for a free package plus 3 coupons for $0.75/1
- Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue - (4) $.55/1 coupons
- Zatarains - (3) $.50/1 coupons
- Huggies - Coupon Booklet